In a heartwarming show of support, Pink for Africa, a non-governmental organization dedicated to breast cancer awareness and care, today made a significant donation to breast cancer patients at the Tamale Teaching Hospital (TTH). The organization, led by Mrs. Juliette Mills-Lutterodt, presented quantities of prostheses to patients and donated a cheque worth GHC 10,000 to assist with their treatment costs.
Speaking during the presentation, Mrs. Mills-Lutterodt encouraged the patients to remain resilient throughout their treatment journey. She emphasized the importance of emotional strength and called upon other organizations and stakeholders to lend their support to the hospital’s Oncology Unit.
In response, Dr. Salifu Alhassan Tia, representing the staff and Management of TTH, expressed heartfelt gratitude to Pink for Africa. He assured Mrs. Mills-Lutterodt and her team of a strong and continued collaboration to ensure that breast cancer patients receive the necessary care and support.
The donation is expected to bolster treatment efforts and provide some relief to the patients undergoing care at the facility.
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